13 - 15 June 2024 / Main Library
The University of Hong Kong
In this digital age, boundaries between various fields are becoming increasingly blurred. Education and communication are no longer confined to traditional classroom settings or face-to-face interactions. With the advent of the internet and various digital platforms, individuals can access information and connect with others from anywhere in the world. These developments have had profound implications for education, communication, and society as a whole. The HKAECT International Conference 2024 aims to explore the ways in which innovative digital technologies have transformed education and communication, and how they continue to shape our world.
We cordially invite presentation
proposals (500 words) and full papers
(10-20 pages) that explore the following
topics, but are not limited to:
- The impact of digital technologies on
education, including online learning,
blended learning, and MOOCs
- The role of digital technologies in
communication, including social media,
digital journalism, and virtual
- The challenges and opportunities of
digital technologies for marginalized
groups, including people with
disabilities, those living in rural
areas, and low-income communities
- The ethical, legal, and social
implications of digital technologies,
including issues related to privacy,
security, and surveillance
- The potential of digital technologies
and a wide range of teachingpedagogies
in promoting social change, including
activism, civic engagement, and
political participation
John BLAKE | University of Aizu |
Hsin-Tzu (Tommy) CHEN | TAECT / Chinese Culture University |
Xun GE | AECT/ University of North Texas |
Brett GREATLEY-HIRSCH | University of Leeds |
Timothy HEW | The University of Hong Kong |
Shih-chang HSIN | National Tsing Hua University |
Siu Cheung KONG | The Education Univeristy of Hong Kong |
Xiaojun June CHEN | St. John’s University |
Will W. K. MA | Tung Wah College |
Sarah OLIVE | Aston University |
Kay A. PERSICHITTE | University of Wyoming |
Bart RIENTIES | Open University UK |
Roopika, RISAM | Dartmouth College |
Allan H.K. YUEN | Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education |
Esther WOO | The University of Hong Kong |
Rik BAIR | University of Miami |
Alex Chi-Keung CHAN | Tung Wah College |
Venus CHAN | Metropolitan University of Hong Kong |
Yoo Kyung CHANG | Columbia University |
Yang-Hsueh CHEN | National Chengchi University |
Thomas Kin-fung CHIU | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Eric CHUI | HKU Space Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College |
Hsiang-Ning Rebecca CHU | I-Shou University |
Michele DELLA-VENTURA | Music Academy Studio Musica |
Lisa Liping DENG | Hong Kong Baptist University |
Frankie HAR | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Winnie HO | Metropolitan University of Hong Kong |
Iris Yiru LAI | Zhejiang Normal University |
Chor-Kiu LEE | HKU Space Community College |
Kacey LIU | Hong Kong Shue Yan University |
Ken LI | Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education |
Miriam LAU | Hong Kong Baptist University |
Chung Kwan LO | The Education University of Hong Kong |
Scott MCLEOD | University of Colorado-Denver |
Patricia NG | The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong |
Tuyen NGUYEN | The University of Newcastle |
Jae Hyung PARK | The Education University of Hong Kong |
Howard SONG | The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong |
Yin Yi TAN | Universiti Sains Malaysia |
Margaret TSAU | University of Macau |
Benson TONG | Metropolitan University of Hong Kong |
Kam-Hou VAT | University of Macau |
Chi Hung WONG | Metropolitan University of Hong Kong |
Korix WONG | The Education University of Hong Kong |
Clio Jing WU | The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong |
Eunice Pui Yu YIM | Hong Kong Metropolitan University |
David Keiman YIP | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) |
Meina ZHU | Wayne State University |
Wendy CHAN | HKU Space Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College |
Anna TSO | The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong |
Tiffany Shurui BAI | The University of Hong Kong |
Steven K. K. NG | Ming-Ai (London) Institute |
Noble LO | College of Professional and Continuing Education, Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Albert CHAN | Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Sumie CHAN | The University of Hong Kong |
Miaoting (Cat) CHENG | Shenzhen University |
Rose C.W. FONG | QAHE / Northumbria University London |
Helena SIT | The University of Newcastle |
Chenwei ZHANG | The University of Hong Kong |
Note: There are no passcodes for the conference zoom links.
(3 Papers; 15 mins + 5 mins Q&A each)
(3 Papers; 15 mins + 5 mins Q&A each)
(3 Papers; 15 mins + 5 mins Q&A each)
(3 Papers; 15 mins + 5 mins Q&A each)
(3 Papers; 15 mins + 5 mins Q&A each)
(2 Papers; 15 mins + 5 mins Q&A each)
(4 Papers; 15 mins + 5 mins Q&A each)
(4 Papers; 15 mins + 5 mins Q&A each)
(3 Papers; 15 mins + 5 mins Q&A each)
(3 Papers; 15 mins + 5 mins Q&A each)
Venue: Room 1 (The Gate), 14/F Ming Pavilion, Senior Common Room, KK Leung Building, The University of Hong Kong
Participants are eligible to have the electronic program and access to all online presentations, panel discussions, and keynotes.
Registration fee
includes a complimentary one year HKAECT
Membership (1.1.2024-31.12.2024)
Registration fee
includes a complimentary one year HKAECT
Membership (1.1.2024-31.12.2024)
For questions about the submission, please contact: hkaectconference@gmail.com
For English manuscripts:
Accepted abstracts for presentations are invited to extend into a full paper. Submissions of your manuscripts in 10-20 pages should be uploaded to EasyChair. All full papers submitted will be subject to a blind peer-review process. Upon acceptance, and subject to authors’ successful revision enhancement based on the reviewers’ comments, your manuscripts will be included in a new volume under the Educational Communications and Technology Yearbook series to be published by Springer and indexed by Web of Science/Scopus.
提交中文論文(截止日期:2023年12月30日) 提交的稿件,討論範圍包括文學與教學、文學與數碼人文等相關議題,字數在10,000至20,000字之間,並上傳至 EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hkaect2024)。 所有提交的論文都將接受隱名評審過程。 稿件一經錄用,將收錄在香港中國語文學會出版的《文學論衡》或書籍中。