Aims and Scope
Journal of Communication and Education (JCE)
- A double blind peer reviewed international research journal
ISSN 2311-5157
Key title: Journal of communication and education
Abbreviated key title: J. commun. educ
The Journal of Communication and Education (JCE) is an international journal of the Hong Kong Association for Educational Communications and Technology (HKAECT) and publishes research papers in the fields of communication and education. Here communication is interpreted as the human communication process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others through technical and non-technical means whereas education is understood in a broad sense as any form of teaching, learning and training occurs in a variety of contexts and environments. With the advent of information technologies, we have witnessed that these fields of knowledge have become enormously influential and have shaped a large portion of the world's progress. Against this backdrop, the journal publishes international issues such as ubiquity of the media and information technologies and the need to educate and advocate intelligent consumption. The journal invites rigorous scholarly work, including review articles and empirical studies using qualitative, quantitative or mixed research paradigm, that can make original contributions with impact on the scholarship of communication and education.
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