HKAECT 2014 International Conference
*** Presentation Submission: EXPIRED
HKAECT 2014 International Conference
“Communication and Education: New Media, Knowledge Practices and Multiliteracies”
8 - 10. 12. 2014 at The University of Hong Kong
TITLE: Communication and Education: New Media, Knowledge Practices and Multiliteracies
DATE: 8 - 10.12.2014 (Monday to Wednesday)
VENUE: The University of Hong Kong
For Hong Kong local teachers and students:
- At all educational levels, both full-time and part-time, NO registration fee is required.
- Click here to [Local Hong Kong teachers and students online registration]
For other attendants (Registration fee: HKD500):
- Click to [Download attendants registration form]
Pay by PayPal. You do not need an account. You can pay by Visa/Master Credit Cards.
Attendants Registration Payment
CONFERENCE DATE: 8 - 10.12.2014 (Monday to Wednesday)
Call for presentations
We accept theoretical papers, reviews, empirical research reports, case studies, best practices, demonstrations, solutions, and experience sharing, written in English, of a length within 12 pages, including the title, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion and references. The Conference Editors arrange each submission for peer-review and acceptance will be based on quality. All accepted submission will be published in the local Conference Proceedings and authors of accepted papers will be invited to present at the Conference in English.
中文 - 徵求文稿及於研討會中發表
本研討會特設中文研究分享, 並邀請各學人遞交文稿於研討會中發表. 文稿類別不限, 可以是理論探討, 文獻回顧, 研究報告, 個案, 展示, 經驗分享等等. 稿件以中文撰寫, 最長不多於12頁, 內容須包括 : 題目, 摘要, 簡介, 研究方法, 結果, 討論, 參考文獻. 文稿會由委員會審議, 經接納後, 將收錄於研討會論文集; 學人將被邀請於研討會中發表.
Submission should be sent to conference website, Easychair Conference system:
*In the first stage call for participation (submission expired by May 15, 2014), all accepted submissions are included in the HKAECT 2014 International Conference Proceedings, published by Springer.
The Conference do not accommodation. Please note that the Conference is not able to reserve rooms on behalf of the registrants. Registrants should contact the hostels and hotels directly or via their local travel agencies for rates, availability and reservation policies.
For information, registrants may stay in Central where there is a green bus at Exchange Square that passes HKU in about twenty minutes. If registrants prefer to stay in Causeway Bay, there is also an Express green bus to HKU in again about twenty minutes. Note that 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. would be busy working hours.
There are some recommendations that you may contact: [Here]
Venue: The University of Hong Kong
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